
If you are reading this, you are probably ratted! This is a very important document, so do not skip it. YOUR PERSONAL DATA IS AT RISK

First step:

Maybe you should have tried xenons epic rat removal guide first before following these steps :wink:

What is a RAT?

A RAT (Remote Access Trojan) is used by bad actors (we call them skids round ‘ere) that are used to pull as much personal information from your PC as possible. These RAT’s can contain:

I’m scared, how do I remove it?

Follow any of these guides for the RATS:


Some rat creators are smart enough to hide it fully, in that case you would need a full factory reset. Please grab your nearest USB stick and perform a clean install of windows.

thats not it?

Some rats hide in UEFI BIOSes. Mostly, you’re screwed. Good luck getting out of this one.